Alex Haney
Negative Effects
Video games can have many negative side effects in various ways. For example, sleep deprivation, lack of motivation, depression, and mental health issues. All of these factors have one thing in common: they can impact your health. A 7th-grade student, AJ Sheppard, said, “Because of playing Fortnite and other video games late into the night, I struggle with getting enough sleep.” Due to the lack of sleep caused by playing video games, individuals may fail to complete their tasks during the day, such as school assignments, and sports activities, and may overreact to situations. Insufficient sleep can significantly affect one’s overall well-being since sleeping at night and being awake during the day are essential. Video games can have negative implications for you and your health. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the amount of time spent on gaming and how it affects you. Nonetheless, it’s important to recognize that video games can also have positive effects.
Positive Effects
Video games can have many positive effects in different ways. For example, problem-solving, mood, emotions, creativity, memory, and treating depression. These positive effects can help people with disabilities. Seventh-grade student Joshua Sebastian Diego said, “Playing FIFA Mobile can increase strategic thinking.” Strategic thinking involves tactical decisions, and adjusting strategies can help give you a better sense of direction. The positive effects of video games are different ways to help people with disabilities. However, video games can also have side effects on children in many ways.
How Video Games Affect Children
Video games can be a waste of time; however, the people who play video games believe it is not a waste of time. This is true because video games provide strategy, much like the game of chess. “If you make the wrong move, make the next move right or better.” One way video games can affect children is by influencing their social behavior and interactions with others, including exposure to negative online influences that result in trash-talking and toxic behavior. This can stimulate the human brain and lead to negative responses with inappropriate language. A 7th grader named Lynn believes video games do not bother or affect him or other people online because he enjoys playing them and they bring him happiness. To delve into the effects of video games on children, it is crucial to consider the impact on strategic thinking, social skills development, hobbies, and more. Playing video games could lead to a decrease in sleep quality, affecting one’s overall condition and impacting attention span, academic performance, mood, and well-being.