Mrs. Tyler
Students testing mysterious death samples using ABO system
Many students here at BGJHS don’t have the opportunity to take Medical Discovery. This might mean that students need to learn what it is and its importance. Medical Discovery is a class students take to investigate medical careers. Also, students learn about vital signs (blood pressure, pulse rate, and body temperature). On top of that, students learn to diagnose and treat diseases and body systems, such as the nervous system. Ms. Tyler replied, “Medical Discovery is my 6th-grade class where students start to learn about health, preparing them for 7th and 8th grade when we delve into more specific health-related topics.” Seventh-grader Cailyn Logan mentioned, “Medical Discovery can be important because we may need to use the things we learned in the future.”
Medical Discovery can have many different important units. Amina Morris says, ” From my perspective, taking this class can be important because I want to be in the medical field when I grow up, and taking this class gives me more knowledge.” One of the most important units is when students develop foundational health skills and learn to examine and rate the types of foods and drinks and how they relate to making a change in their health.
Students can have many different opinions on many other things. We talked to two students to get their opinions on their favorite unit this semester. Logan observed ” Vaping. The cons of vaping is my favorite lesson because it teaches me and other people the ways it can affect your health. ” Vaping can lead to many different dangerous things. Amina Morris noted, “ Emotions because they can help with your mental health .” According to “ Taking Charge of your well-being” Emotions can affect your mental illness because Negative attitudes and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness can create chronic stress, which upsets the body’s hormone balance, depletes the brain chemicals required for happiness, and damages the immune system.
Medical Discovery Is a relevant health class that students should have the opportunity to take to learn more about themselves and more about mental health.