D&D, a random adventure, is a time-jumping door and robot-filled adventure.
The school D&D group meets every Thursday after school in Mr Staggs’s room to play custom rules D&D.
If you don’t know what D&D is, 1st that is impressive, and this paragraph will help. D&D is a strategy game played using the mind (or imagination.) D&D was created by Gary Gygax who had a difficult life at first, but with D&D he propelled from there. You play the game by rolling a dice on random spots to see if you can get something or kill enemies. If you have never played it before I highly recommend it, it is a very fun game.
The campaign in the tabletop club so far is crazy. We started in separate sheet metal boxes. My character and everyone else got three random items. I got a rock, Mr Beast, and a yacht so I said to the DM, “Can I use Mr. Beast to pay me out of here.” It didn’t work but he summoned Spongebob. So I stabbed him and a door appeared. Then we all appeared in Fortnite where the first robot appeared, Death Bot. I beat him by blowing a bit too hard and we all went to Monsters Inc. where we met a human bot, a robot with BB guns, Shaq, and Goku. I asked Goku, “Can you defeat the human bot for me?” Goku lost round one (even though the human bot’s weapon was a BB gun) and the human bot found the key but Goku came back and beat the human bot. I could go on longer but I think that is good enough.
Tabletop Club is the place where D&D Club resides. The Tabletop Club does not have many rules since it is after school. Verified by 7th grade computer teacher Mr Staggs when he said, “Most of the time the kids kind of take it on themselves I don’t have a say in the campaign I kind of leave that up to the kids to create on their own, But I do have several starter campaigns that can be used if someone is the first time Dm or maybe the Dm doesn’t show up and other kids want to play.” It started when Mr Staggs and Mr Quinn wanted to let kids discover different tabletop games. “So tabletop club started several years ago when Mr. Quinn and I wanted to give kids an opportunity to explore different board games and tabletop games and so we started a club and invited kids and had them come in to try out those games and then just over time it’s really kind of just evolved into come and play Dungeons & Dragons cuz that’s what most of the kids come to do I do have some other games that some people can play if they come in and they don’t want to play D&D but yeah it kind of just started as a is a place for kids to kind of come hang out.” So that is why the tabletop club was made.
That was D&D, a random adventure.