“It’s incredible to think that one day my bar of soap will be able to make a direct impact on someone else’s life.” This is a quote from this year’s Kid of the Year, Heman Bekele. He was able to come up with a way to help cure skin cancer in one soap bar. Heman Bekele is a 15-year-old boy who was able to come up with a possible cure for skin cancer. He lives in Fairfax County, Virginia, and is working with scientists to test his idea. He has always been curious since the young age of 7. He got his first chemistry set and almost started a fire. Ever since then, he has wondered if his curiosity could make a difference in the world.
Being nominated Kid of the Year is a big surprise to many of those who have been nominated; you would have had to make a big difference in the world to be nominated. Samantha Murphy, who is a 7th grader at BGJHS, says, “If I were nominated Kid of the Year, it would be for telling everyone’s business or knowing everything because a lot of my teachers tell me that I need to stay in my own business and stuff like that.” We also spoke with another 7th grader, Mia Ward. “It would be for helping people because I like helping others.” Lastly, we spoke with another 7th grader, Tessa Moore, about “helping people with their mental health and if they’re upset with something.”. The answer “helping others” was the most used in these answers, which concludes that people like to help others and it’s important to ask someone for help.
Making a difference in the world is a big accomplishment for many people. Many people do great things to help make a difference and to show that they care for others and the world. Heman Bekele says he keeps thinking of new ways to improve our world and keep making it a better place.” Samantha shares her experience helping others: “Last summer, me and my mom went to a homeless shelter; we helped them organize, helped them get new clothes, and got to give them food.”. Mia also likes to help others by helping them in school and outside of school. “Yeah, like helping people or doing something to help their problems in school or outside of school.”. That is how Mia helps people when they need it. Lastly, Tessa likes to help others just like everyone else: “When someone comes up to me asking for help, I feel it’s making a difference.” These are ways people like to help others and try to make the world a better place.
When Heman was 7 years old, he thought of an idea to help solve a world problem, skin cancer. He read a book about imiquimod, which helps skin cancer. He wanted to help others and find an easier way to fight skin cancer. Mia and Tessa shared what world problem they would solve if they could. Mia said, “I would solve people being homeless and make sure there are no homeless people.” Tessa said, “World hunger because a lot of people don’t have food, and it’s sad.” This is the world problem they would want to solve. Heman was able to also solve his world problem and is currently working with scientists to help his idea.
“It’s incredible to think that one day my bar of soap will be able to make a direct impact on someone’s life.” is a quote from Heman Bekele; he encourages others to pursue their dreams too. If he could do it, so can you.